Getting more done in less time, redesigning the way you work.
You've probably heard the productivity talk about working smarter, not harder. These days, it's not about checking another task off of your to-do list. It's about being and feeling more accomplished once the entire project is done, and the following tips will help you work smarter.
Prioritize. So you're probably looking at that to-do list and you're feeling a little overwhelmed, so let's start by re-organizing it. My PlanHER system willhelpyou look at the big goals for the quarter and create manageable smaller action items that you can complete. Assigning a time allotment to the tasks allows you to schedule them into your week with enough time to complete them. Putting pen to paper when planning your week allows you to see the whole week view and you are less apt to just click and move things you should be getting done.
Subtask. Going back to the idea that you have a project due in two months, sub-tasking may be your best friend. Instead of writing "Do research for project", think about what kind of research? Sub-task by writing "Primary sources" or "bookmark important websites". Sub-tasking turns the main project into mini-projects, and before you know it, that's one more task that can be marked off.
Block out your time. This is so important, especially if you have a million things to juggle. Schedule all of your to-dos and appointments into your calendar and be sure to give yourself a little more time to complete each task just in case you are interrupted or if something else comes up. It is best to combine a paper format with your electronic planning system.
Tip: Color coding your calendar is a great way to make scheduling fun!
Keep your work area clean. A cluttered work area probably means you have a cluttered mind too. Making sure your desk or work area is neat will guarantee a productive day. When you take the time to clean up, you'll be able to think better, and ultimately your tasks will be done quickly and efficiently.
Remember, working hard does not mean you're working smart. If you need a mentor to help you get started on the right track, contact me todayso I can help you achieve your career goals!