Benefits of Practicing Yoga Nidra Meditation

Taking 30 minutes to step away from the constant activity of daily life can make a big difference. Practicing Yoga Nidra for 30 minutes a day will instill more calm for you and stress reduction, while feeling physical, mental and emotional relaxed. No matter what time of day you do it, your mind is rejuvenated for better focus during the day or to have deeper evening sleep. One of the nicest things about this kind of guided meditation is all you have to so is lie down and listen- anyone can do this and it more easily helps quiet the chatter you may hear when trying other types of mediation.

Understanding Yoga Nidra guided meditation

Commonly known as yogic sleep, Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique of meditation that involves total conscious relaxation. The practice involves resting comfortably lying down and releasing consciousness to connect deeply to oneself allowing you to relax, rejuvenate, and awaken a higher level of self-knowledge.

How to Give Yourself 30 Minutes?

Despite our demanding lives, our minds were not created to process constant noise, information, or screen light all the time.  Taking just 30 minutes out of your busy day is a good starting point to promote self-care. Like everything on your calendar, this practice needs to be scheduled, in order to ensure it is prioritized.  By scheduling the time, you will ensure that unnecessary surfing, chatting, and scrolling social media doesn’t interfere with this special time. Fortunately, there are opportunities to engage in guided Yoga Nidra virtually. For a schedule of virtual Yoga Nidra Meditation click here

Benefits of Yoga Nidra Meditation

  • Reduce Stress

Yoga Nidra promotes deep rest, making it a unique form of meditation. Through body scan and breathe awareness stages, the practices of Yoga Nidra will calm your nervous system and thereby reduce stress and promote a healthier life.

  • Remove Deep-Seated Tensions

We often hold tension without realizing we are doing so. Tension has been shown to block awareness and flow of energy. Practicing Yoga Nidra helps release conscious and unconscious tension in order to release energy you are holding in your body and mind that may be blocking your creativity, productivity, or general sense of balance. 

  • Deepen Self Awareness

By removing physical tensions, this practice aids you to connect more consciously with yourself in order to deepen your ability to acknowledge personal aptitudes, identify your potential, and expand your sense of self. The secure and serene atmosphere that Yoga Nidra meditation provides allows you to explore your thoughts, worries, concerns, and goals without judgement. 

Research shows Yoga Nidra has the capability to reduce insomnia, chronic pain, and chemical dependence. Additionally, it has been associated with success in transforming negative habits, behaviors, and ways of thinking.

Are 30 Minutes of Yoga Nidra equal to 3 hours of rest?

Yoga Nidra meditation enables you to experience profound rest and thereby leaves you with the benefits of a refreshing and rejuvenating sleep.  Although Yoga Nidra is not a replacement for normal sleep, the rejuvenating effects of 30 minutes of Yoga Nidra corresponds to 3 to 4 hours of sleep. 

Giving yourself the time and space to rest your mind is a gift that you should aim to give yourself. If you are interested in learning more about Yoga Nidra and to sign up for a free virtual Yoga Nidra Meditation visit my Business Boost’s page for the schedule of upcoming meditations.