Is a MastHERmind right for you?

Running a business on your own is rarely an easy task. Even at our very best, we can all use the help of like-minded individuals to keep our momentum going and meet our goals head-on. Connecting with others who understand our ambitions and who want us to succeed can make an enormous difference in the way we approach challenges. That is exactly who the MastHERmind program is made for. 

The Perfect Program for Women Pushing Their Boundaries:

Imagine having a group of innovative peers like yourself to share your ideas with, encourage you, and who each have big things in the works themselves. All of this facilitated by an experienced business coach who participates and who can provide insights and tips that have worked for numerous others. We'll all learn useful new skills, plan quarterly goal reviews, and we'll explore new opportunities to expand our businesses. We offer a personal touch of motivation that can really make a difference in the growth of your business. Holding each other accountable and helping each other to gain confidence is another important benefit of the program. Not only this, but we also focus on what you need to move your business forward today. Our ambition is both to succeed and to find time for fun. If any of this sounds like something you could use, then lets chat.

Here's What We Do:

The program is designed to connect us in a number of ways. Twice monthly we will be hosting interactive video calls through Zoom. We will also have our own private Facebook group to keep us connected between calls. The best habits and tips related to your specific business challenges will also be shared monthly, and the PlanHER system will help you to break big goals into smaller action items with time blocking in your calendar for accountability. With these inter-connective tools, you will have everything you need to stay in touch and help each other as easily and as effectively as possible. 

How To Get Started:

Groups for the MastHERmind program are being formed now for the summer of 2019. Space is limited, so be sure to call or email now to see if this is right for you. I am happy to schedule a call to see if this is a good fit for you, just send an email to


Andrea Silvershein